Monday, July 2, 2012

That Damned Coyote Hill -- Adventures in Publishing!

I’ve been traveling for the day job and staying at a campsite when a severe thunderstorm and tornado warning hit the area. A good friend called to say Little d, Ava, and I could stay with them for the evening. I said no at first because quite often these warnings don’t amount to much. Plus I was this close to finishing the re-issue of Heath Lowrance’s THAT DAMNED COYOTE HILL. An hour went by and I had just hit the KDP publish button when my attention turned to the swirling wind outdoors. I stepped out and watched the dancing lightning light up the rainless night sky like a carnival. I went back in to check the NOAA weather report--70mph winds--then my friend called back to say there was an alert on her phone and things could get serious. My girls and I jumped into the Jeep and made a dash for my friend’s house. A downed power line and fallen tree diverted us so we took another route only to come to another tree across the road. We called my friend to say we couldn’t make it through, but she and her husband arrived in their truck with chains and pulled the tree out of the road. Finally we arrived safely at their home.

I didn’t see any supernatural happenings Friday night like in COYOTE HILL, but it was a helluva adventure and an exciting way to start BEAT to a PULP’s association with the talented Mr. Lowrance.

Beginning tomorrow (or Wednesday) THAT DAMNED COYOTE HILL will be free for five days, and I hope you jump at the chance of owning this kick-ass novella. A second Hawthorne title, THE LONG BLACK TRAIN, will be on the way soon.

Here is the Amazon link for THAT DAMNED COYOTE HILL.

And don't miss Heath's Psycho Noir blog.


pattinase (abbott) said...

We were in D.C. and were lucky to get our flight changed because there was no electricity and 107 degrees on Friday. Sadly, we left our hosts behind to deal with it.
Your story is more exciting though.

Cloudia said...

glad y`all oar OK

Have a GREAT Week!

Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
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Leah J. Utas said...

Yay for friends. Double Yay for friends with trucks and chains.

Charles Gramlich said...

Looking forward to reading this.

michael said...
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David Cranmer said...

We were about thirty miles apart, Patti. Glad to hear you made it out safely.

Thanks, Cloudia.

Leah, Well said! :)

A series you will appreciate, Charles.

Oscar Case said...

Nothing worse than being stuck in DC with no electricity!