These two we're fenced in the backyard last week. The mother jumped out but the little one had trouble following. He made an attempt with a running start but backed out at the last moment--that fence was just too high for him. So the mom bounced back in and walked her little one to the far end of the yard out of our sight. I checked later and both had made it out successfully. Wish we had seen how they did it.
PFF is the creation of
Leah J. Utas.
Hope everyone has a terrific weekend.
If your fence isn't touching the ground they probably squeezed under. I've seen deer squeeze under our barbed wire fence and leave only a few strands of hair to show that they passed through.
Great pics. Glad they got out okay.
They probably had a stash of wire cutters in a duffle bag at the back of the garden. Ha!
Great photo, David. A mate has 3,700 acres of farmland and regularly goes stalking. I have a freezer shelf full ov the finest meat ever--venison!
It looks like we both went for the animal theme this week.
So you're running the deer version of Stalag 17?
Lived in deer country in northern Pennsylvania for many years. Beautiful critters, but I remember them for nerve shattering near encounters while driving at night.
We've got quite a few deer here, but we see them fairly rarely. I've found their droppings in our yard but never seen them in the flesh here.
Sandra, Very good point. Its a tight squeeze but that has to be it.
Thanks, Leah. And I appreciate you letting me join in the PFF this week.
David, I love venison as well but look at that little baby! Ashamed at all? :)
Naomi, Hey that makes me the bad guy! I always imagined I was William Holden.
You ain't a-kidding with the close calls. One of the hazards of living in the area.
Charles, I remember my time in Louisiana and folks mentioning deer like it was a unicorn sighting.
Beautiful! Glad they managed to get out. I'm sure they will be back though ;)
How cute! I'm jealous. we've seen deer tracks in the land behind our house and in our front yard but haven't managed to glimpse an actual deer.
I see deer all the time around here, even right in town. Still never get tired of it.
When I was in high school, I had a summer job flood irritating for a big ranch in one of their hay fields. I remember walking through thigh-high grass and almost stepping on the tiniest little fawn all curled up. I just stared several moments, then walked away. I saw it several more times that summer with its mother.
More recently, a couple summers ago, Julia and I were on one our hikes. Started hearing this sort of guttural snuffling sound on a trail switchback; she thought it was a bear, but I didn't think so. What it turned out to be was another tiny fawn, curled up behind an old snag, and the sound was it SNORING, as it was sound asleep! Figures it was the one time I didn't have my camera with me either. . . .
Er, that should be IRRIGATING in the previous post. I'm sure I was probably irritating too, though.
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