I've been thinking about my dad a lot this week with Father's Day coming up, and when the spring issue of
Needle arrived in my mailbox today, I was oddly surprised to see his name show up on the back cover. Thank you, Mel, for having the last name Clayton!
Spooky, yet a great moment for you, buddy. Maybe it was one of those things that were meant to happen. Look after that mag, David!
I love little unexpected surprises like that. Very cool!
Clayton Cranmer definitely works. On the other hand, I don't know how I'd feel about being the offspring of Duke Funk.
Nice surprise! PS Happy Father's day in advance.
Very sweet. Clayton & Cranmer, I enjoyed both of your stories.
David, Maybe I'm out of time because I celebrated Father's Day a week early. I've croseed over into an alternative reality. Maybe?
Same here, Sabrina. Odd but welcoming.
Now that's a hoot, Ron. Ha. Big laughs here.
Thanks a mil, Chudney.
Thanks, Don. And so far, Steve has pulled out another winner.
Wow D, it's like he's letting you know he is there, since it is your first Father's Day as a Father, rather cool.
I teared up reading that, Mates. It's nice to think so... and I do.
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