When David suggested I come up with a Charlie Byrne fight story for BEAT TO A PULP this past summer, I’d already decided a long (if not permanent) break from my hapless Atlantic City p.i. character was going down. I mean, Charlie? My Charlie? In a short fight story? Come on. I know less than nothing about pugilists and their art. But David was insistent. He lamented that no one had submitted a single fight story to BTAP even though the ‘zine’s masthead practically dares one to do just that. He had a vision about rings, disreputable ladies, and assorted goons orbiting the scene. Perhaps he had a Richard Widmark “Night and the City” itch that needed scratching. Anyway, I obliged…but I swear…that’s it…no more Charlie Byrne tales for a good long while, honest. Thanks to all those I ran the story by for detail and thank you again, David, for the continued faith.Ladies and gentlemen, the 100th BEAT to a PULP story: "The Takedown Heart".
Next: "First Man Falling" by Garnett Elliott.
The BEAT to a PULP: Round One anthology is now available at Amazon.