I picked the Beretta because of the smooth action, the extra magazines the guy offered, and because I’d drilled seven of nine rounds inside a two-inch circle. Much tighter grouping than any Glock or Smith & Wesson. Guess I liked the extra weight. And since my plan involved firing enough bullets at Anthony Cassiotta to cut him in half, the heavier Italian nine millimeter with bonus magazines seemed perfect.Read more of this gritty hardboiled "Tool of the Trade."
Bio: JACK GETZE edits short fiction for Spinetingler Magazine, and spent nine years as a news and feature writer for the Los Angeles Times. His suspense novels, BIG NUMBERS and BIG MONEY, feature screwball stockbroker Austin Carr, and "have that same feel and style of writers such as John D. Macdonald," says Bloodstained Book Reviews.
Next: "The Little Boy Inside" by Glenn Gray
Soon: The Simon Rip adventure begins with Chris F. Holm's A RIP THROUGH TIME: THE DAME, THE DOCTOR, AND THE DEVICE.