Or at least a slightly younger man. This painting is based on a
photo taken in Cameroon in December 2004. Little d and I met the lovely artist, Denise, in Belize about a year later and we were immediately taken with her work. Her art can be found on her website,
Was this photo taken before or after the adventure with pirates and mutants and giant apes?
A "cool" looking dude, David.
Ahhh...its always good to see what the younger version of a non-disillusioned writer looks like.
The man looks like he could conquer the world....or at least his personal slice of the world...
What a masterpiece. :) Why does it remind me of David Hockney? One of these days we'll have to compare notes on Belize.
What a nice souvenir to have of your time there. I like it very much.
G, Yeah, "his personal slice" is going well now. But what I'm amazed is how much black I had in my goatee then!
Laurie, If you go back far enough I have some shots of the Mayan ruins that my wife and I visited. Absolutely stunning.
Hockney's landscapes and colors might be the similarity. I just checked out his web site and that jumped out at me.
Patti, Art just adds a whole new dimension to any home. Everyone has pics but hang a canvas and folks will take extra notice.
Very nice David. The detail, in particular, on the bike is splendid and I can tell a lot of time went into it.
Diane, She does put a lot of time into her work and I recommend everyone checking out her site and also the trade bead jewelry and photography she has posted there.
Kieran, Dashing? Yeah, my ego can see that.
A-a-h, the vigor of youth once remembered. Very nice, Dave.
I love it, David! Her use of vivid colors has a sharp clarity and cool look to it.
Oh, and the guy on the bike ain't so bad, either. ;)
Very nice!
I think I have asked you this before but do you still ride?
Oscar, I'm thirty-nine and holding. (Good old Jack Benny's favorite #)
Sarah, Ah, thank you:) You're definitely right about the colors. And maybe it is my fascination with pulp covers that makes her work stand out to me.
RReynolds, Very little before and since. Just for that moment in time really.
Denise work is lovely but then so is her subject. I'll be sure to follow the link.
Warm regard,
Neat art!
Hey, are you really in Virginia these days? I'm going to be in Charlottesville at the Festival of the Book in March.
Yes cool.
But where are the flames?
Simone, Very kind words for both of us. Thank you.
Barrie, I will drop you an e-mail.
Don, I'm semi-cool in the right light. But not Ghost Rider cool.
It's a good likeness of you and shows a lot of character. How much fun!
Denise did a wonderful job on this painting... I love all the detail she put into it, especially the bike. And what a ruggedly handsome guy ;)
That is a great likeness and a lovely, bright painting. I wish I could paint like that!
Let's ride, man!
Aloha, Friend
Comfort Spiral
Sarah, I'm thinking of making this my avatar for Blogger. Good idea?
d, Ruggedly handsome guy:) No wonder you are the charm(ed) one.
Alyssa, No Faded Glory right?
Cloudia, Only the lack of a bike and the Atlantic is stopping me.
Thanks for that. I, too,am taken with her work. Shall definitely follow the link.
I'm sure you will find something of interest.
Damned fine rendering.
Leah, It sure is. I'm going to go ahead and make it my new Blogger pic-avatar.
David! You've won a "Creative Writer" (aka Bald-Faced Liar) Award. Details here: http://davycrockettsalmanack.blogspot.com/2010/02/bald-faced-liar-award.html
Don't blame me! The Devil, I mean Paul Brazill, made me do it.
I just left a response. Thanks Dave.
An awesome portrait of an author/ bike rider. A very adventurous feel to it. She did a fantastic job.
Jodi, Thanks for stopping by and I couldn't agree more.
That's awesome!
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