Denise Morrow is a good friend Little d and I met in Belize a couple years ago. She’s a wonderful artist living in Arizona who’s working on a painting of yours truly. It is quite an honor to be immortalized on canvas. The picture was taken by my charmer in Cameroon in 2004. (Maybe with a few flames I could be the Ghost Rider?!)
That's cool. Hope we'll get to see the finished product.
David-Are you posting a flash story tomorrow? (email me at aa2579@wayne.edu)
Like Steve McQueen.
That is going to be cool when it is done.
Looking cool there, slouching with attitude over the saddle.
Wild men ride motorcycles...well, that's what my mother told me. Is it true?
Barbara, My wife just got a good laugh at that notion so I will leave it at that :)
Cool pic!
The first part of my review of Doo-Bop is up! Hope you enjoy it.
Chris, I know I will and I'm glad you did a review. I will check it out and get back to you later today.
Full review of Doo-Bop is now up.
David- I'm sure your friend is very talented, but be sure she knows more flaming skulls and demon breath exahust are always better. Artistically speaking.
Clare, You always give me a chuckle:)
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