Bookgasm has a review of Out of the Gutter's Revenge issue and Rod Lott called my degenerate pulp offering, "...nauseating yet entertaining."
Me gusta!
12/16 update: I just received OOTG #5 in the mail. I've only just begun reading it and the stories by Bruce Cooper, Matt Louis, Cindy Rosmus, Glenn Gray, and Nolan Knight are all first-rate.
I would also like to thank Victor Gischler and Anthony Neil Smith for choosing my story as one of the award winners. From these two distinguished writers, that's capped off a nice week for me.
BTW the great pulp art featured on the cover is by Jim Rugg.
I'll check it out. I ordered a copy of this but haven't gotten it yet. Maybe it'll come today.
A fine review indeed.
Kudos! And you wrote about sex, which is something I avoid, probably due to my BIC (Bronx Irish Catholic) upbringing.
Hey Kieran, your grandfather wasn't alone on that only piece of NYC that is actually part of the mainland USA. There are generations of BICs spread throughout the world.
Now that's an intriguing review - congrats!
An interesting review.
I've sent for this mag. It looks like my sort of thing.
That is soooo cool!
very cool!
Thanks everyone! This has been a very nice week of positivity.
Terrie, I had and still have Baptist guilt:)
I love that your story's titled Blubber...makes me think of a Judy Blume book I read in grade school.
I think your take is slightly different. ;)
Great review, David! I'm impressed.
Sarah, I was a Judy Blume fan growing up. Maybe a warped version has been kicking around my noggin' after all these years.
I haven't received my copy yet. Am looking forward to your story. All the others as well of course.
Just read your story and thought it was brilliant. That college student sure picked the wrong way to make some extra bling.
RReynolds, Yes, a student loan would have been better.
Your story was disgusting. I liked it.
Jedidiah, Ha. I like the way you put that. Thanks. I'm reading SCOTCH TAPE next.
Yeah, it was pretty gross. And unforgettable. Going submit to PWG? Be forewarned: I'm a picky sonofabitch.
Neil, glad you liked the story and yes, I will submit a story to PWG. I need to get these holidays behind me and get back to writing.
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