Sunday, December 14, 2008

BTAP #1: The Instrument of Their Desire by Patricia Abbott

Well, BEAT to a PULP has debuted a little early. I believe all the kinks have been worked out and I’m hoping you will like the final product. My goal was simple: focus on the stories and make the site easy to navigate. I'm confident that’s been accomplished.

First, the site. I think in this day and age with so many distractions and limited time, one story a week is ideal. There will be a couple of exceptions because I have a novella or two that I will spotlight in the coming months along with our featured story, the Weekly Punch. Each time a new story is posted, the older one will be moved to the sidebar where it'll stay for several weeks until it makes it way into the archive.

Second, and most important: the stories. I live and breathe hardboiled. It will always be the foundation of my reading and writing. However, as my Mom always says, “Too much of anything is good for nothing,” so I decided to mix things up with diverse offerings in the vein of Lester Dent, Louis L’Amour, Harlan Ellison and Robert E. Howard. That’s what I believe we have done at BTAP, though I will let you be the judge. Over the next few months we have a western from Jack Martin, sci-fi and fantasy from Sandra Seamans and Barbara Martin. And nasty, sweaty hardboiled from Stephen D. Rogers, Anonymous-9, Glenn Gray, Charles Gramlich, Albert Tucher, Paul Bishop and Kieran Shea.

And there’s our debut story. I couldn’t be more excited, starting off BEAT to a PULP with Derringer Award winning author, Patti Abbott. When I approached Patti about submitting a story, she sent “The Instrument of Their Desire” saying that it may be too literary and not hardboiled enough. She said if it didn’t fit, she had another one that would. A few paragraphs into it, I realized I’d be remiss to pass on this amazing contribution. The story grabbed me with a terrific opening paragraph and didn’t let go all the way through to the electrifying ending. Patti, you have set the bar high; “Instrument” is a masterpiece and I can’t thank you enough.

I would like to thank two great collaborators for their indispensable support: DMix for designing the site and Elaine Ash who proofed the submissions making gems shine even brighter.

Most of you have my email so please drop me your opinions. And most importantly send your stories... enough blabbing on my part, here is BEAT to a PULP.

*My wife and I are still on the go, packing up our apartment in Virginia and as a result still don’t have immediate access to Internet. As a matter of fact, I had to go to Kinko’s to upload BTAP. Hopefully in a couple of days, things will be back to normal.


Travis Erwin said...

Off to check it out.

Chris said...

Looks great, David. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

David: Stoked. Nice, clean layout. Thanks for taking my story as you charge ahead. Uh, for the record, my name is spelled K-i-e-r-a-n. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a real frig of a name. I blame my grandfather. Real off the boat Bronx-living Mick for that.

David Cranmer said...

Thanks all! Sorry Kieran, that's what I get for typing too fast. It's been corrected. Hope you all enjoyed the story!

Terrie Farley Moran said...


Congratulations. I put a link post up on WoM.


Charles Gramlich said...

Cool! I'm off to check it out.

Terrie Farley Moran said...

I have to say Patti Abbott has a way with words and a very creative mind.


David Cranmer said...

Terri, I couldn't agree more. This is powerful writing.

Ray said...

Great opening story - glad to see Beat To A Pulp become reality. Here's to continued success.

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Reb said...

Off to check it out David. It sounds exciting!

Reb said...

I like the look, very clean and easy to navigate. Patti's story was a great way to start.

Barbara Martin said...

Great debut, and equally great writing. Loved the twists with the ending.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Excellent. Enjoyed Pattie's story. A great e-zine , mate.

Prof. Hex said...

Really enjoyed the story. Congrats!

David Cranmer said...

Reb, I'm very happy you found it easy to navigate. There's nothing worse than a site that's slowed down by flash or is difficult to wander around.

Barbara, One of the best opening and endings in recent memory.

Archavist, Thanks and I appreciate your contribution that's coming up shortly.

Prof. Hex, Gracias.

Clare2e said...

Good luck with the move, and great debut!

David Cranmer said...

Thanks Clare!

Sarah Hina said...

Looks really great. You and Patti should be proud, David!!

Anonymous said...

Great first story.

David Cranmer said...

Thanks Pete, I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Next week's entry is hardboiled from Anonymous-9.