Elaine Ash brought to my attention this fantastic opening paragraph in the February issue of
Chief Inspector Bozo of the Clowntown Homicide Squad stepped from his second-floor office wearing a fedora between his side-tufts of bright orange hair, hair which had, late in life, turned purple at the temples, giving him a distinguished look. But inside the large painted smile his mouth was grim. Someone had murdered Jumbo the Elephant.
Doesn't this make you want to read the rest of "Clowntown Pajamas" by James Powell? The February issue also contains stories from Loren D. Estleman, R.W. Kerrigan, and one of my favorites, Edward D. Hoch.
Dave, just picked up the issue and the Powell story is marvelous. It's also good to still see Hoch being featured.
Just got home from Borders with this issue, as well as the Feb Alfred Hitchcock. Am looking forward to the Holmes pastiche. David - what do you think of the new magazine size?
LOL. That sounds absosolutely hilarious. I've gotta check that out.
Gary, I preferred the old size but I'm getting use to the new.
Charles, It's a funny opening to a great story.
David - The new size means they look odd on the shelf. Wonder why they did this?
My uneducated guess is that it stands out in the bookstores. It's now a little taller than the other magazines and may be spotted easier. Maybe?
Purple hair? I guess the hair dye doesn't work anymore. Reminded me of Bruce Davidson (US 3-day eventer).
The late great Ed Hoch was one of my favourites, too. He is much missed.
I burst out laughing at that last line. Absolutely brilliant!
I think I know that guy...
Same here and I very seldom laugh out loud while reading. Mr. Powell is a very gifted writer.
Barbara, A very descriptive opening for sure.
Martin, I always looked forward to EQMM for Hoch. What a prolific, talented writer!
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