Monday, December 26, 2016

Twelve Miles

I've managed to walk twelve miles since Friday evening. Usually I do a mile and then come back to my desk, get some writing done, and then walk another lap a few hours later. That's probably going to slow down to just a mile a day over this next busy week. Still, it feels good to exercise, get the blood pumping.

Any other walkers out there?


mybillcrider said...


David Cranmer said...

Muy bien, Bill.

Anonymous said...

I have two dogs, so they get walks everyday. Normally a longish one in the morning, and then depending on my work pattern that day another around lunchtime, and one in early evening or another long walk at some point in the afternoon. At this time of year, I'm juggling around the daylight hours, although my morning walk normally starts before sunrise.

David Cranmer said...

Alan, Good for you! I'm preferring a minimal of three walks a day myself but just don't see how I'm going to fit it in the schedule unless I reduce my time which is an option. Or start walking longer than a mile when I make the time.

Elgin Bleecker said...

David – I was a fair-weather walker until I had knee surgery last April. Since then, I walk every day around lunch time. It is good for the knee and gets me off my duff. Most who asked what happened to my knee were unhappy with the true story. So I started saying a young punk snatched an old lady’s handbag and I ran him down, recovered the purse, but tore up my knee. When they stopped laughing, they were ready for the truth.

Oscar Case said...

Since my dog died, haven't done much walking, but today I took a walk around the mall. I felt pretty good after that.

David Cranmer said...

Elgin, Ha! I like your sense of humor.

Oscar, Good for you. I'll say this that since I've started to walk daily it has given me a new boost of energy at the desk.

Charles Gramlich said...

I should do this too. I have problems when I sit too long when I'm off work.

David Cranmer said...

I'm feeling much more energized in my work, Charles. Just after a few weeks.

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

David, I don't walk or run in that sense but I walk a lot during my commute to and from work and else within my large office premises. Besides, I rarely take the lift to the fourth floor in any building. I intend to be more regular in my meditation and yogic exercises next year.