It's hard to figure out where to put the oversize books, so they wind up on top of the short shelf in front of the window, along with Hulk, Linda Darnell, Tiki Clock, and um, a rubber brain. Those "Crimes and Punishment" volumes were partly responsible for warping my very young brain; they're full of purple prose and lurid death-scene photographs, and when I was ten or so I found a few my mom had hidden away. About three years ago, I stumbled across the entire set at a library book sale and snatched them up.
Heath Lowrance regularly blogs at Psycho Noir.
In this age of CD packs and ebooks, it's nice to see a bookshelf with volumes of illustrated histories of 19th and 20th centuries, the world encyclopedia, and the enviable set of "Crimes & Punishment" that I didn't know of earlier. I like to read physical reference books on account of their stylish design and layout, pictures and illustrations, and little bits of information in boxes spread across pages.
I also have a section for oversized books. the very top of a shelf.
I used to keep oversize books on the floor, under the shelves --until a water it's top shelf for me too!
Prashant C. Trikannad, Agree 100%. When I walk into a home and see bookshelves--DRAWN like a moth I am. That and art on the walls. Houses look naked without them.
Charles, I tend to place them on the bottom. Maybe to stabilize and little hands are less likely to reach for them.
Know the feeling, Rich.
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