Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Through Daddy's Eyes

This picture is of Ava's first drawing on her new Crayola crayon dry erase board. As Ava was creating her masterpiece, I said to my wife, "Doesn't that look like a cat?" She agreed and we took a picture. Does anybody else see it or is this a matter of parent goggles, which is okay with us!


Leah J. Utas said...

Okay, I can see pussycat ears.

Kyle said...

I think its a cowboy

Kieran Shea said...

Joan Miró has nothing on the wee one.

Oscar Case said...

I think it's a cat in the hat.

G. B. Miller said...

Fortunately, had scads of experience with schtuff like this, so yeah, it looks like a cat.

David Cranmer said...

Early verdict is in and it is a cat. Good to know.

Sarah Laurence said...

Way to go, Ava!

Dave King said...

Yes, very like a cat. Specifically, Felix, I would have said.

Alyssa Goodnight said...

Did she write the word 'cat' too??? ;)

I'll give her the whiskers!