*Most importantly, my daughter Ava was born on Valentine's Day. The sun now rises and sets for her as far as my wife and I are concerned. Being a father at forty-one has enlivened me with a new lease on life as only a child can. Our little coconut just began crawling in the last week of '11!

*In June of '11, I released Adventures of Cash Laramie and Gideon Miles and then three other BEAT to a PULP collections. They continue to do well and by Dec 31st, I had sold more copies than I could have predicted at the start. Not bad, not bad for a beginner but at $0.35 a book, I obviously still need a day job. :)
*This was the year of new social networking for me. I joined Twitter and Google+. It comes easily, it turns out, because I enjoy what others have to say and interacting. Some Blogger friends have written to say they missed my meaty blogs here and I will try to improve the output.
*Ava is learning so much on a daily basis, and Denise and I are eager to continue her education with books, music, etc. She loves being read to and reaches for books before we do. Gotta keep that momentum going.
*I want to do more around the home with repairs that are long overdue.
Upcoming books

*BEAT to a PULP: ROUND TWO is a bit late because of some of the above life events but I'm shooting for March 1st. This collection contains some notable names in the literary and pulp circles, and James O'Barr has contributed another fabulous cover.
*Another, yet un-named, BTAP eBook is on the way. I want to keep the title quiet for now but it pushes the envelope just a bit and I'm excited about that.
*Chad Eagleton has written a Simon Rip science fiction novella.
*I also have another round of my short stories featuring Cash & Miles. This collection will reach from 1885 and all the way to 1930 when the outlaw marshal is seventy-five.
That's a little about me. And you? Was 2011 good or bad for you and what are your plans for 2012?
Those are two happy people in the pic, your Mom and beautiful Ava. My year was mostly down, but 2012 will be better. Good luck with your books and stories, David, and your Mom's health, too. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
It sounds like you have some wonderful things lined up for this year. I love the picture of your mother with Ava, and know those memories are priceless. I'm looking forward to all of the book goodness you have planned, and... I want to hear about all of the home improvement projects! Much love and happiness to you and yours in 2012
I think you have me beat for 2011 highlights, but it was great to make you aquaintence on twitter.
In terms of 2012, who knows? In book terms I hope to have a novella out in a month or so. I'm all for early highlights!
Congrats on a prosperous year, and especially on your daughter. She's beautiful.
Oscar, I've heard from many folks that '11 was extremely difficult because of the economy and we were hit hard as well. Our little angel made everything 100 times better but still I hope everyone has a more prosperous 2012. And Happy New Year to you, Oscar.
Sabrina, I feel like my charmer is already making fun of my home improvement plans. :) And right back at you with all the best in '12.
Alan, You have been such a solid supporter of my work this past year and I can't thank you enough. I'm very much looking forward to your novella.
Thanks, Charles. Btw I downloaded your memoir and am enjoying the read, sir. And Happy New Year to you and Lana!
On the writing front I consider 2011 to be a success simply because I got something published.
The rest of 2011 was mostly a flat line with no peaks or valleys to speak of, just a conscious effort to fly under the radar so that I could stay out of trouble.
Hopefully 2012 will be better in that I can get something else published, which seems to be my main goal each and every year.
Best hopes in the new year for all three of you, my friend. And too for those ol' trail riders Cash and Gideon. Wayne D. seems to me the perfect fit, and I'm looking forward to his upcoming entry. Thanks too for all your good words and encouragement my way in 2011. Keep the faith.
Looking forward to all the great things you have planned in 2012. Both the Cash/Miles stories and BTAP are always high quality.
The pic is great. Enjoy every minute you can (I know you do). Good luck and best wishes to you.
Beautiful picture David. Bit by bit, little by little you will achieve your goals.:) 2012 will be better.
G, Well I raise a toast to your success in '12, sir. And a little trouble can be good to promote books. :)
Rich, Thanks for all the kind words and wishes. I see you have a new book out and may it prosper in the new year.
R Thomas, Always have fun should be the motto. And I'm looking forward to your novel, sir. Best of luck.
Thanks, Chudney. And special thanks for being such a big help with the blog post devoted to my family last year. I enjoyed that.
Wishing you and your family the best for 2012!
First, that is one cute kid. Well done.
And many congrats on all your success. No one deserves it more. We're all trying to figure this thing out, and you seem to have figured it out better than most.
Good luck in 2012. Hope things go as well as they can with your mother's health--and that you and your family can be there for each other though whatever challenges may come.
And, of course, best of luck in the publishing. Looking forward to all these releases!
Hi, thanks for all the info and news.
Not sure how you manage to keep the blog going with all that in the background.
A great and glorious new year to you and yours.
Special blessings to Ava and your mum.
Congrats on a great year. My condolences for your mother's dementia. What a great picture of her with your daughter.
You've been a writing machine. And how sneaky, keeping the lid on a Cash & Gideon novel by none other than Wayne Dundee for so long. I will be first in line, the two of you working together is a winning combination.
And I want to thank you again for publishing my work in BTAP and the first e-book. Two of my most personal stories, and you gave them so much exposure. Thanks, Dave. You're doing great things, and deserve an even better year this time around.
Speaking as an older father (of twins):
The accelerated aging is worth it.
May we all see our fortunes improve this year. (And as long as I'm hoping to see stuff, a new Cash and Miles collection wouldn't be a bad thing, either.)
Very kind words, Jake. Deeply appreciated. And I'm pulling for you with HELL ON CHURCH STREET. You are cornering the market on new (fresh,unique) noir and I see nothing but the top ten charts ahead for you.
Thanks, Dave. Well the blog here has been lacking but I'm hoping to get back on track now. I hope your new year is off to a blast.
Thomas, You shot through 2011 like a blaze of fury and I know the best is yet to arrive in '12. Samurai anyone?
Keith, There are many fine aspects of being an older parent. It keeps me in shape for one. :)
Be careful what you ask for, sir. There's a lot of Cash & Miles on the way.
I hope 2012 brings you all the joy and happiness you can hope for.
Sounds like a great year- Happy New Year to you David. Hey, what's the title you're releasing by Wayne. How do I get a review copy for White Cat Magazine? And can't wait for the next BTAP eBook- count me in for a copy.
And you as well, Reb!
Rick, Drop me an e-mail at paladin-1@hotmail.com
You know my thoughts on you becoming a daddy to your little charmer. Beautiful photo up top, too.
You are a top man, my friend. Thanks for your input over the past 12 months regarding TFFO (and other things I've contacted you about). Wish you all the very best with 2012.
For me 2011 was a great year with the magazine. I had a few pieces published too, but family and work kept writing time to a minimum.
2012 will (hopefully) be a great year. Plans on a short story collection of new work. I hope to finish my novel and I'm aiming to get something published at a certain magazine with the initials, BTAP!! :-)
Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family! It's an honour to class you as a friend.
Very kind words, Dave. Thank you. It has been a pleasure getting to know you better over the past year and I'm looking forward to that short story collection. And a BIG yes on a submission to BTAP. I'd love to read that.
Wishing you and your ladies the best of 2012.
Stay righteous, lean, and focused. 2012 will be a great one.
I hope so and right back at you, Kieran. Persevere!
What a beautiful picture of your mother with Ava! I'm looking forward to all the book projects you have in store for 2012. And here's to your home improvement projects and mine--may we both prevail!
My wife laughs at the home improvement part of this post. If I can't fix something with tape... I'm in trouble. :)
Thanks for stopping by and the kind words, Linda.
My big concern is how to get anything done while trying to write one (preferably more) book(s) a year and do all the promotion required and the traveling (I actually make money going around and giving poetry readings). I need to find a way to pack more hours in the day or days in the week or...
I eliminated most television, films, and social gatherings. Still I need more time to write and edit.
Poetry readings sounds very interesting, Linda. And to get paid for that has to be very rewarding.
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