I've seen APOCALYPSE NOW so many times I could stand in for Brando or Hopper, but I've never read the book that the movie is based on. I found HEART OF DARKNESS by Joseph Conrad on Kindle for free and beginning tomorrow will begin the voyage in search of Kurtz along with Ron, Chris, Rich, and Randy. I don't see any chapters (or very few) in my copy, so I'm going to read 50% this week and then the rest the following week, finishing up by June 18th or so. Sound good? Wanna join in? Drop a comment.
The kindle copy I have seems to be broken down into three chapters. It's not long anyway. I'm with you.n
Enjoy it! (Never seen APOCALYPSE NOW.)
Great, Randy.
Does Butters know that?! Good lord!
Having tortured generations of college sophs with this, I'll be interested in hearing the results of this.
I've only seen the movie once, but remember thinking it was well done. Read part of the book as an excerpt in college, but not enough to get the connection with the movie. So I'll have to read, then view. Looking forward to it.
Perfect timing. I've been meaning to reread it anyway. Was one of the first books my wife introduced me to, back when she was still sizing me up for worthiness.
Bill, I'm betting you were a riot as a teacher.
Rich, I thought every guy over thirty has seen this movie like a hundred times. Kinda like THE GODFATHER and THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY.
She has good taste as I've seen, Chris. Maybe she can recommend some books for us.
I liked it. A lot slower than Apocalypse now, but very intersting.
Great read, I might try it on the e-book!
I don't want to end up like Zelig, so I'll just come clean-- I've never read Hearts of Darkness. I've always had a tough time with the prose. I might give it a shot this summer if I have time.
Solid choice, Huck. The essential "river" story.
Charles, I'm hearing it is a bit slow. I can do slow if it is well written.
Good hunting, Dave.
AC, I read the first three pages a few days ago and I know what you mean by the prose. We'll see how far I get. High hopes.
Kieran, Before DARKNESS there was Twain but I'm thinking that's about it. Not many stories of that caliber before that.
I have read it a couple of times, along with Freya of the Seven Isles, Gaspar Ruiz, Il Conde, The Brute, The Duel, The End of the Tether, The Nigger of the Narcissus, The Secret Agent, The Secret Sharer, The Shadow-Line, Typhoon, Youth. I love Conrad.
Richard, He has quite an impressive body of work. So far, I'm getting a kick out of DARKNESS.
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