Written with the pulp values of brevity and action, the stories go down smooth. Lest you think it's all blood and thunder, though, Grainger sets a couple stereotypes on their heads, and even explores so-called "contemporary" issues (child abuse, racism, sociopathy) through the dusty lens of an older time.
Good for readers wanting fast-paced westerns with a twinge of nostalgia, and good for writers interested in the mechanics of vintage pulp, ADVENTURES OF CASH LARAMIE AND GIDEON MILES delivers both barrels of literary buckshot! --From Garnett Elliott's Amazon review.
Thank you to all who made ADVENTURES the eleventh best in Westerns based on Amazon customer reviews.
That's awfully cool.
That's a hoot, David, as two of the L'Amours ahead of you on that list aren't even Westerns.
Nonetheless, well done, sir. The number one slot is yours, I can tell....
Very nice. "Killing Trail" has actually broken the top fifty a couple of times here. Maybe Ron's review and the fact that Cash and Miles is lifting all boats. Independent boats at least.
Thanks, Leah.
Matt, Maybe #2 would be fine this time around. I promised Chris Holm I would engage in "planking" if I hit the top spot.
Charles, I am going to do my best to post two or three reviews a week on books I like. Obviously they have a big impact and I will begin with KILLING TRAIL.
Yeah, some of those titles near the front of the line look more like romances to me. They need to get out of the way for the real westerns!
You are galloping to stardom.
Big congrats on all those 5 star reviews!!
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