Friday, May 20, 2011

Photo-Finish Friday -- On the Beach

PFF is the creation of Leah J. Utas.

Hope everyone has a terrific weekend.


Chudney Thomas said...

Oh how cute!

mybillcrider said...


David Cranmer said...

You're both referring to me, right?

Randy Johnson said...

In your dreams.

Cloudia said...

so nice!

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral




G. B. Miller said...

Learning how to beach crawl at a early age.


And yes, you're cute too.

David Cranmer said...

Ha. Shells, G. Shells. That's what is in my left hand barely visible. But it does look like I'm doing Chuck Berry's "duck walk." :)

Unknown said...

Very nice picture.

Sarah Laurence said...

Funny comments. I'll make this very clear: Ava is adorable! You might be too if you dressed head to toe in lavandar.

The sun might come back on Sunday. Fingers crossed. I was woken by a downpour early this morning.

Leah J. Utas said...

Beautiful pic.

Laurie Powers said...

Wonderful! Love it!

David Cranmer said...

Sarah, I was going to wear head to toe lavender that day. Next time. :)

And I do hope you're right about the sun this weekend. I don't mind a couple rainy days but over a week is a bit much.

Randy, Cloudia, litcity, Naomi, Leah, and Laurie, Thank you folks! (Ava says gracias as well.)

AC said...

I like the illusion-- That you have her in the palm of your hands!

Mates said...

Dad....daughter...a moment in time....she is growing so fast. Beautiful

Charles Gramlich said...

Oh my god, is that cute baby about to be eaten by that sasquatch? '

"Stay tuned!" :)

Chris said...

Amazing the things you can find on the beach, eh? I'm just wondering if the baby's parents let her keep that . . . thing.

Alyssa Goodnight said...

What a cutie! (You're okay too.)

Really sweet picture.

Ron Scheer said...

Good goin', dad. You got the right touch.

Reb said...

Beautiful photo David. She is really getting big!

David Cranmer said...

I hadn’t noticed that before, Alec. I’m a sleight of hand genius!

Thanks, Aunt Meta!

Charles, Ok, I knew the Bigfoot jokes were coming!

Chris, Ha! Yes the baby took the sasquatch back home and all lived happily ever after.

Finally some recognition! Thank you, Alyssa. (oh, and Ava says thanks as well.)

Thanks for the kind words, Ron.

Reb, You ain’t a-kidding. She’s done worn out her first stage of clothes.

dMix said...

My two favorite people!

pattinase (abbott) said...

Every day something makes me want to cry (and I swear it didn't used to be true) and today this was it.

David Barber said...

Father and daughter moments are fantastic. Beautiful.

David Cranmer said...

And we love you, mommy!

Patti, She does that to me quite frequently.

That they are, Dave.