Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Wishing you the best of New Years,
and let's kick it twice as hard in 2011.


Travis Erwin said...

Same to you David. It should be an exciting and fun year for you.

Martin Edwards said...

Happy new year, David!

Jack Getze said...

For me, 2010 was a great year because BTAP published the boss's first short story and he gave us all a raise. Thank you, David, and may 2011 bring you and yours much love and happiness.

AC said...

Happy New Year!

Cloudia said...

You Too!

Wishing YOU Aloha from Hawaii

Comfort Spiral


David Cranmer said...

I think so, Travis. She is on her way to change our lives for evermore. Can’t wait. Urte Berri on!

Martin, Good to see you again. Bonne annéev!

Austin, Submissions are open again. Where are you? Ein glückliches neues Jahr

AC, Sun nien fai lok!

Cloudia, Godt NytÅr!

Matthew P. Mayo said...

David! Appyhay Ewnay Earsyay!

Anyway, you get the vibe. 2011 will blow the doors off every year preceding it. Word.


sandra seamans said...

Happy New Year, David!!

G. B. Miller said...

A sensationally Happy and Thoroughly Successful (in more ways than we all can imagine for you and yours) New Year to you and yours and in the summer, the other yours.

David Cranmer said...

Matt, I think you're right. Feliz año nuevo to you and Jen.

Sandra, I raise a toast to you and the wonderful service you provide for us writers. You're a sweetheart and
La Multi Ani si Un An Nou Fericit as the Romanians say.

G, Felice Anno Nuovo or Buon anno to you and your family, sir.

Alan Griffiths said...

Happy New Year David - thanks for all your stuff in 2010 and looking forward to more in 2011.

Best, Alan.

Randy Johnson said...

And a good one for you guys also.

David Barber said...


Well, there seemed to be a few different "Happy New Year" offerings so there's min!! :-)

Best wishes to you and your family, David. Hope 2011 is good to you all!!

David Cranmer said...

Thanks, Alan. And right back at you sir!

Randy, Many happy returns for you, my friend.

David, Thank you, sir. And how about a Saale Nao Mubbarak!

pattinase (abbott) said...

Happy New Year, David. And I hope you will continue to be part of mine.

Leah J. Utas said...

Happy New Year, David.

David Cranmer said...

Patti, Most definitely! And best of New Years to you and your family.

Leah, Chuc mung nam moi to you and all my friends to the north.

Garnett Elliott said...

Happy New Years to the BTAP crew!

I'm late to the party and a little hung over from whiskey sours, but 2010 was a great year for my favorite pulp-zine and I predict even bigger things in 2011.

Barbara Martin said...

Each new year brings its set of challenges, but once those are taken care of one can reflect and look forward to the next set. May all your challenges in the new year be rewarding and fulfilling.

David Cranmer said...

Ah, whiskey sours. Sounds like you had a good party going.

Thanks, Garnett. I'm looking forward to '11 and your contributions.

Barbara, Very nicely said and appreciated. Happy New Year.

Glenn Gray said...

Happy New Year, David.

Baby girl in 2011. You're a lucky man, my friend!

David Cranmer said...

Glenn, Don't I know it. Can't wait. Less than two months to go

Happy New Year, my friend!

Barrie said...

Happy New Year back at you, David! Love the picture!

Dave King said...

A great New Year to you and yours.

David Cranmer said...

Barrie/Dave, Thank you both and the best of new years to you and your families.