Book Highlight: Beat to a PULP: Round One
We love anthologies around here. What better way to be turned on to a host of different writers, styles, genres or ideas? What better way to find writers you've never heard of? Some of the best discoveries that we've made, either poets, artists or writers, have come out of anthologies that we have in the store. This year we were blown away by David Cranmer and Elaine Ash's "Beat to a PULP: Round One" anthology. In the past few years Cranmer's "Beat to a PULP" webzine has been leading the neo-pulp revival that's been happening. We can see some of you balking now: "Pulp?!" Yes. Pulp. Perfectly crafted, tight story writing. Nothing better. In fact, the best writing out there right now has been happening in the margins, far away from The New Yorker. The "Beat to a PULP" anthology is a prime example of this. Everything from westerns to crime fiction to sci fi all gathered under one cover; all of it new and burning. There isn't a dud here; every story is a page turner. For the still reluctant reader of this highlight: there were some employees here who balked at reading "pulp" too. This is the anthology that permanently changed their opinions about that. And about what "pulp" actually is: damn fine writing.
Nice one again, and well deserved. I'm up to page 265 and you can expect a review/essay later this week at BITS.
[whistle!] Standing and cheering!
Good on yez!
Nice review.
Still working on a getting a copy. Gotta see what I wind up with for gift cards for Christmas before I decide to activate my c/c.
Let me know if it drops elsewhere (like Borders or B&N).
Page 265 is "Cannulation" by Glenn G. Top story. I'm looking forward to your review.
Naomi, What happened to your Blogger pic? It's an X here. (Oh, And thank you.)
Evan, That it is.
Paul, Yez is good.
G, We are also at B&N (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Beat-to-a-Pulp/David-Cranmer/e/9780615388243/?itm=1&USRI=beat+to+a+pulp%3a+round+one)
Yes, great review, sums up the book nicely. Often people who don't like 'pulp' haven't read it; same goes for science fiction and westerns, I guess...
I've never understood folks that say "I don't read that!" if it is top storytelling what difference if it is Victorian era Romance or on the moons of Taurus V.
I dunno, David, the pic seems to have gone missing from my profile, which I hadn't edited in a while. (Probably a cyber-hint that I should use a newer pic.)I've fixed it on the profile now.
Ah, good to have you back!
I'm thinking of changing mine back to my regular mug. Maybe later today.
Excellent. Thumbs up on this.
Mine arrived this week and I am still reading. The first half dozen stories are scintillating, Dave.
Charles/Diane, Thank you for all the support.
Chris, Gracias on contributing "A Native Problem." More than one reader has told me that was a highlight.
Looking forward to reading it! Nice review.
Those were the nicest people. Shop in New Hope, PA and shop at Farleys.
It's the kind of indie bookstore we all dream about having down the street.
Oscar, Let me know what you think when you do.
Patti, They have been wonderful. I hope everyone in the area stops in or supports them through their online site.
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