Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ~William Butler Yeats
About the pic: A few weeks ago, a friend and I felt like starting a fire for no reason. So we did and kept it going all day. Made sense at the time.
PFF is the creation of Leah J. Utas.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
I love a good fire. Good work on keeping it going, and thanks for the pic.
There's something comforting about a good fire. Home fires burning, stories told round the campfire, chestnuts roasting. I guess in a way it represents warmth and family and friendship.
Leah, It's always a pleasure to join in when I can.
Sandra, Agreed. And that's what we needed being thousands of miles from home.
Big fire is OK. Too big fire, not so much...
Very, very wise words, sir.
The call of the wild! I love to stare at fires.
Charles/Lois, I am reading quite a bit of Jack London these days.
quoting the old squire of Sligo, eh? good man, good man.
It's the "made sense at the time" comment which has me thinking other shenanigans were afoot.
Love fires, don't need reasons for them.
Man make fire. *beats chest* All day? Did you make smoke signals? And to whom?
Kieran, So true, so true.
Mike, Nope, that was it. Fire, fire, and more fire.
Reb, Amen
Jodi, I wish I could say there was a greater purpose but its sole reason was to entertain.
I hope you at least had some marshmallows...and maybe the making of some s'mores!
Every time I'm near a fire, I'm thinking...'Where can I get some marshmallows...?'
Honest to goodness we did talk about s'mores if we did it another day. But, alas, it was not meant to be. Once the firemen and Hungarian acrobats showed up it was all over.
How could it have been all over at that point?!?
Ha. Good point, Alyssa! :)
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