They had all these protests now, folks worried about fallout from back then. It didn't take long for the cloud to float over here to Papeete. I thought about Mr. Gramont and hundreds of others out there with that shit raining down on them, and Blaze coming into the world breathing the poison into his lungs on his first breath.
Fangataufa, Blaze whispered in his sleep, and I put my cool hands on his dented face and kissed him calm and he never woke up. That was my gift to him.

Sophie's A BAD DAY FOR SORRY, now in paperback, has been nominated for an Edgar® award by the Mystery Writers of America, an Anthony Award for Best First Novel, a Macavity Award for Best First Mystery Novel, a Barry Award from Deadly Pleasures Magazine and RTBookReviews Reviewers' Choice Award. Her latest, A BAD DAY FOR PRETTY, is now Available!
Ms. Littlefield's blog can be found here.
I love Sophie. I hope she sells a bazillion novels.
Dang Chris - i love you right back. very grateful to david and the rest of this crowd. some of the finest people write some of the baddest stuff.
Wow, that's a lot of honors! Excellent.
WOW!!! That is great collection of awards/nominations for a first novel. Well done, Sophie.
Nice one, David.
Captivating title for a story and the excerpt has me wondering who Blaze is?
Chris, Ditto.
Sophie, Thank you and we so appreciate you being part of not only the zine but also our print edition.
Charles/David, Yeah, that's an impressive start.
Diane, A story with a lot of heart and an ending that surprises.
Verrry impressive!
I see this collection is much anticipated and with brief but gripping excerpts like Littlefields I see why.
Alyssa, Thanxs!
Allen, I will be showcasing many more excerpts over the weeks to come. Thanks for stopping by.
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