The August issue of
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine is out with some terrific stories from the talented likes of Clark Howard, David A. Knadler, and
Elizabeth Zelvin, to name a few. Agatha-nominated Ms. Zelvin is the author of the acclaimed Bruce Kohler series, and, I'm very proud to say, a story of hers called "Dress to Die" will appear at
BEAT to a PULP in August. But until then, grab this
EQMM issue. Well worth it.
EQMM Kindle editionEllery Queen bio
I've been reading Ellery Queen and Alfred Hitchcock for years (although I lean more towards AHMM). SO awesome you'll have one of these authors featured at BTAP!
Great. Now I'm tempted to go buy this month's issue (so much for saving money ;-D) Books and mags are a worthy cause to spend money on right? Going to go look for change under the couch.
I never miss an issue of AHMM or EQMM. The Big Two. Must buy.
She looks to be in dire straights.
I'm going to get a subscription to both magazines again, David. You've convinced me.
James, If she's going up the ladder I think she's toast.
Rick, They're consistently good reads.
I've just won a copy of Ellery Queen on ebay after reading this post earlier. Something we don't get over here, or if we do I've never seen it. Will give it a read before maybe looking into subscribing. Thanks for the links.
You will be buying back issues for sure. Enjoy.
I really need to get back in the habit of reading Ellery Queen.
I've been wondering how a magazine comes through on the Kindle. And how the subscription is handled... Educate me??
Congrats on landing such a big fish. It's a long while since I read any Ellery Queen. Guess it's time I put that right.
Barrie, A good one to begin (Again) with.
Alyssa, I still haven't done that Kindle post I promised. Anyhow, I still buy most of my magazines (and books) like EQMM off the stand. I like collecting them and appreciate the colorful artwork that doesn't come through in the current b&w Kindle. I've heard (thanxs Matt Mayo) that the iPad is the way to go for appreciating cover art. But If I can't find an issue off the rack, I definitely Kindilize it. I’m not sure I answered your question? :)
Dave, It will be a pleasure to have her in BTAP.
She is in heels, gagged, and tied around the waist while a badman is waiting to shoot her! Gotta love pulp.
It's pretty easy to keep up with the CF paper magazines, conveniently or sadly...THE STRAND, CRIMEWAVE, HARDBOILED, OUT OF THE GUTTER, NEEDLE's first issue, SHERLOCK HOLMES if it's still publishing...and the Penny Press/Crosstown/"Dell" magazines...what else?
Diane, those dames are talented.
Todd, The field is narrow for sure. What amazes me is how many writers/fans of the genre have never heard of these magazines or they know and don't subscribe.
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