Dena sucked in a mouthful of air, almost gave in to a yell. The chimes gonged and clanged. Her finger tightened on the automatic's trigger and she clenched her teeth. A gagging sound came from downstairs. Quiet followed.
I bought a Kindle this week (more about that soon) and one of the first ebooks I bought was this edge of your seat thriller by Charles Gramlich. What I like about CHIMES, and actually all of Mr. Gramlich's stories, are the believable characters that anchor the plot. Dena is a woman raising her child alone after her husband was raped, couldn't handle it, and split. When she hears chimes coming from downstairs where there shouldn't be, she realizes she has an intruder in her home. Her instinct in protecting her child and dealing with the trespasser are all handled masterfully. The story is a brisk read with some unexpected plot twists, and the ebook is priced very reasonably through Amazon's Kindle Store. Whole-heartedly endorsed.
Chimes sounds absolutely chilling. That Charles is one talented dude!
Nice review by another talented dude! Thanks, David!
Sounds like a scary read, I will check it out.
David, thanks for the very nice review. I appeciate it!
Kathleen, Why thanks for the compliment.
Anonymous, You will get a chill out of CHIMES. Enjoy.
Charles, Not a problem. A great read.
I checked out the Damnation Books website and am impressed with their set-up. I will wait until their submissions is open again and try my hand at it.
They are a gung ho group with a lot of energy, and determined to push their stuff, which I like.
Good to know. When I get a chance I'll send something their way.
Cool, David! Glad you've joined us in the kid-e-pool, and hope you're enjoying your gadgetry. Charles' story is way better to christen it than a broken bottle!
Clare, Kid-e-pool. Ha. You will be mentioned in a up coming post. Stay tuned...
Sounds like the real deal, as do the pirates. I await to hear about the kindle.
A Kindle...think of the possibilities...
I am awaiting your opinion on the tech. What version are you holding?
Dave, I hope you check them both out. Very deserving stories.
Alyssa, I'm still discovering.
sertech, The latest version. So far, I'm impressed.
A lovely reviev. As for the kindle I'm the only one in my bookclub who as yet to buy one but I've vowed to myself that I'll make it through my masive to-be-read-pile before before giving into peer presure.
Warm regards,
Will look for your Kindle take with interest. I don't have one, is this story available in print?
Simone, It is and isn't as addictive as I thought. More soon...
Diane, It’s an ebook.
I just downloaded it into my computer as I don't own a Kindle either. Works just fine.
Good point for those who don't have a Kindle. Thanks Randy.
I loved it! Downloaded it to my laptop which worked very nicely, with a large font.
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