With the election coming up, I thought I would repost something I did for another website last December after a good friend had gone to the White House and brought back a small, official box of White House chocolate.
At the time I wondered, “Should I open it or not?” with the idea that perhaps it could become a collector’s item and it would be better to leave the box intact.
Well, almost a year later, I still have not opened it, and the candy has sat on the shelf in a confined apartment in the Virginia summer heat while I've been away on assignment.
I’m guessing by now the chocolate tastes like a standard stale M&M, and I think it may be time to get rid of the candy inside. But I’m still rather hesitant to open and ruin the box.
Well, maybe if I’m lucky, the ants have already taken care of the dilemma for me, but I’ll have to wait until I get home to find out.
Ok, a silly post for sure but what would you do?
Sidebar: Little d and I went to Walgreen's last night and bought some candy corn and miniature Reese's peanut butter cups -- not for trick or treaters (we're staying in a hotel and didn't expect any), this was for us, and let me tell you, without any adult supervision we ate too much and are feeling three pounds heavier already.
I would have eaten the chocolate long ago, my friend.
Hey I still have some boxed water from Hands Across America.
I agree with Charles, I would have eaten the chocolate too.
That said, it could be considered a collector's item and you could probably fetch a couple of bucks for it on e-bay.
Charles and Georgie B, You are very adventurous souls! As a part-time collector of books, coins and art, I always think about the future and keeping things in mint condition. How crazy is that! Now that I think about it, a couple of bucks for it on e-bay is more than I paid for it... thanks for the idea, Georgie B!
Travis, Ha... That's just a riot!
Chessbumbus, Thanks for stopping by. I love the game but I don't think I'd be very adept at commenting on it.
Today, I would probably save it----eBay anyone??? People collect all kinds of things. Luckily we don't get any t or t'ers, so the only time I buy candy is when it's 50% off.
Debra, Please don't mention candy -ha- my wife and I are still reeling from gluttony. You have a good point. I will wait twenty years and then sell my box for say $2,000 or so. An original artifact from W's administration.
Keeping the chocs in mint condition. Maybe they're mint flavoured - I bet you'd get a decent price for these on ebay.
Did you and d dress up for Halloween or just buy the candy?
I love Reeses peanut cups, a delicacy that is hard to get hold of here!!Sometimes you just have to go and eat it, I love anything fizzy and sherbert(y) I really find it hard to resist them. Do you have a candy over there called Caramac?? It looks like a chocolate tastes like caramel chocolate and is jam packed with additives. Wonderful!!
Archavist, Knowing me I will hold on to this silly little box for another forty years for no good reason. I save everything!
RReynolds, Just the candy which was quite enough. I must remember not to do this next year.
Lyzzdee, I haven't seen Caramac but that doesn't mean it isn't over here somewhere! I found that Lindt chocolates have a bit of caramel flavor that can satisfy that sweet tooth of ours.
It's hard to pass up the strange thing that is Halloween candy.
chocolate is always blog worthy man
I totally get it about the candy corn and mini Reese's peanut butter cups. There are some kinds of candy I just can't have in the house becasuse of my lack of self control.
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