Tierney contributed to the Noir genre with many great film roles, including Laura (1944), Leave Her to Heaven (1945), Whirlpool (1949), Night and the City (1950) and Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950).
My personal favorite is The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947), a romantic fantasy film with Rex Harrison. Advise and Consent (1962) with Henry Fonda and directed by Otto Preminger is a late career highlight. As for her most famous role, actor Vincent Price said, "No one but Gene Tierney could have played 'Laura.' There was no other actress around with her particular combination of beauty, breeding, and mystery."
I thought she was pretty and since Vincent Price said good things, it must be true.
The one I remember her in was The Left Hand of God with Bogart.
Her grave is in Houston. I've visited the site.
She takes your breath away, doesn't she? On TCM one time they said Rex Harrison hated playing the ghost because he couldn't touch or kiss her. Laura and Leave Her to Heaven are two of my favorites, but I love all her movies.
Josh, Yes, I think Price hit that nail on the head.
RReynolds, Another good one is The Razor's Edge. It's really a Tyrone Power film but she steals every scene.
Bill, I had no idea she was buried in Houston. Since I'm not that far, I may have to go before I leave the area.
Sandra, A stunning beauty for sure. I read somewhere that people who knew her said the camera didn't completely capture that beauty. I love her movies too and have probably seen Laura and Mrs. Muir at least a dozen times a piece.
Definitely a lovely lady.
She was wonderful in Laura. And it is also a very good book by an under-rated author, Vera Caspary.
Loved the original The Ghost and Mrs. Muir...I recall her now.
I have Laura sitting on my shelf. I think I'll read it.
Charles, Yes, and also a very good actress. Her acting in Advise and Consent was nothing short of remarkable.
Martin, I haven't read the Vera Caspary book. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. And here I was about to give Hollywood credit for coming up with an original screenplay... I should have known better.
Barbara, My sister fondly remembers the TV series. I've never seen it, but I'm not sure how I'd feel without Gene Tierney in the role.
Patti, After reading Martin's comment, I will have to try to find this one.
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