Sunday, November 3, 2013

Tom Pluck's Steelcase

You are looking at a Steelcase business grade shelf stacked 3 deep.

My own books and signed editions by authors I respect line the top shelf. Some are blocked out by the Escher Metamorphosis cards that I respond to letters with.

So there is a benefit to snail mail...

I cycle the books back and forth to force me to read the ones I've neglected. My TBR pile is so big I may never finish it. It just keeps getting larger as more and more fine stories by great writers are published. And then there's the e-books.

The shelf threatens to plummet through the floor on occasion, and I go on a reading binge to put it on a diet, but then someone goes and writes another damn good book and it's overweight again.

If only that were life's biggest complaint, having so many great stories waiting for me to read.


Charles Gramlich said...

Sounds like my TBR piles as well.

David Cranmer said...

Most writers seem to have this most wanted problem.

Rick Robinson said...

Your bookcase a few posts after a peek at part of Bill Crider's wall o' books. You are brave indeed. I doubt this is the only bookcase you have that's bulging with books, but you said this is TBR. I have practically a room of TBR, but then I decided long ago to (mostly) shelve all the books and take what I want to rad next off the shelf.

My problem with that is that I get distracted by something the comes in (Oooh, shiny!) and start reading that, then something else catches my attention and so forth. That's why I have a large stack of books on the nightstand (see my upcoming Wed. post on that).

I have a drawer full of cards and rarely send surface mail cards any more. Need to do more of that.

Chris said...

I like the Lou Ferrigno portrait.

I love snail mail as well. Hardly ever get it, but I usually stick something in when I send something out.

Thomas Pluck said...

Aw, the picture got shrunk. Can't really see the titles, but there's a lot of goodies in there...

Ron Scheer said...

I think you've got the weight of a baby grand piano stacked there, Tom.

David Cranmer said...

Tom, I couldn't enlarge the pic anymore without it being distorted.

Ron, I'll say.

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

There is joy in shifting or rearranging books on a bookshelf.