It couldn't happen to a nicer person or more talented writer. Congratulations to Jodi MacArthur for her
Spinetingler nomination announced earlier today. If you haven't had a chance to read her fine story at BEAT to a PULP, here's the link for
Pillow Talk.
Oh cool. That's excellent. I'm so glad for Jodi. Well deserved.
This was my favorite story at BTAP over the last year. Congratulations.
Yep, well deserved.
Thank you so much for everything, David.
And thank you Charles, Alec and Paul for the kind comments. I'm still in shock and tickled as can be! Just wow.
I am so glad "Pillow Talk" is part of BTAP, Jodi. Many thanks.
You should be tickled while tingled, Spinetingled Jodes. I join the jaunty gents in the *well deserved* accolades oh serious imagination woman of words ... wise enough to scare 'em up in all their jaggedy proportions.
~ Absolutely*Kate
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