I had one of those writing days where nothing seemed to fall into place. By two o'clock in the afternoon, I had given up hope and grabbed a Sam Adams Summer Ale from the fridge. I can't say I began writing Papa-style prose but it sure made the bitterness of an off-day go down a lot easier.
Okay, let's try this again (I had left a comment previously, but my 'net connection ate it).
I do feel for ya.
If I was a drinking man again, I'd be joining you doing jello shots.
Because quite frankly, a bad day of writing definitely beats a bad day at work.
David: You have great taste. Nothing like a "Sammie." Only problem is its tough to stop having just one. (I like mine when chasing down a pastrami on rye)
Plus, anything that has the name of one of our Founding Fathers on it is special to me.
G, Yes, I prefer being behind the keyboard even when things are going south.
Jake, Thanks for stopping by and you're right that one la cerveza joyfully leads into three. And Sam's cousin J. Adams is the greatest Founding Father in my humble opinion. After 200 plus years he's finally getting the recognition he deserves.
David: You're damn right on that.
These days too are important to a writer I believe....
MMMMM, good brew!
Comfort Spiral
Some days it pays not to get too far from the bottle opener.
Somedays, a beer is the answer! I admire you for persisting, though. I've never acquired the discipline of daily writing, and I raise my glass to those who have.
Cloudia, True that the malo days help recognize the good.
Charles, Very good advice.
Bee, I try my best to put something down, revise or polish something each day. Keep the fires burning.
A productive use of your time, David. If the writing's not working it's good to move on to something that does.
Ahhh... the life of David..Riley)
Better bring some with you this weekend, we're gonna need it for more than writing. Mates
I'm with you on writing a bit each day.
Got any suggestions for those of us who can't drink anymore? Oh, Wait a minute, don't answer that.
Leah, Sound wisdom.
Mates, Uh...well...I better call you about the change in travel.
Barbara, I've read where Jack London knocked out 700 plus a day (before the plagiarism set in) and I try to hit 1000+ myself when I'm not polishing up an already finished piece.
Laurie, Ha! Yeah, what's a good alternative?
I'll toast to that.
I've never tried Sam Adams...I keep meaning to, but it keeps slipping my mind. Guess I'm a total creature of habit. <:(
Travis, Cheers!
Lana, You will thank me and if you wanna add a zing throw in a lime for good measure.
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
Barrie, Amen! But within reason. My great Uncle Charlie use to say "too much of anything good for nothing!"
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