In the US, there's a restaurant chain called Cracker Barrel (that my Charmer hadn't been to) where they have a pretty good racket, I mean, business, going on--you enter through their gift shop and while you wait to be seated in the restaurant you naturally begin browsing the merchandise. So, there we were and what catches my eye but
The Life & Legend Of Wyatt Earp starring Hugh O’Brian, something I may not have grabbed if it wasn’t so readily available. I’m glad I did. It’s a three DVD disc set featuring fifteen episodes from the classic fifties show. It begins with Earp becoming a marshal and then follows him in a selection of episodes from each season leading up to the immortal Tombstone showdown. This was the perfect way for me to watch a show I enjoy but probably would never buy all six seasons. It also has a nifty interview with Mr. O’Brian on the last disc. Oh, and my wife who has never been to the Barrel enjoyed the dinner.
I've downloaded some of these old episodes - a great series. I'd love that set, myself.
I heard somewhere that Mr. O'Brian released these dvds himself, and if that's the case, then he did a damned good job. Historically, it's not very accurate, but it's so much fun that one hardly notices.
It's always fun finding a treasure in an unexpected place isn't it?
And I'll bet you're humming the theme song. Damn thing popped in my head when I read this and I haven't seen the show in years.
One of the best theme songs ever. Right up there with Johnny Western's version of "Have Gun, Will Travel."
Great, now I'm hungry for some country ham.
I've eaten at a few Cracker barrels in my day. And bought some stuff at their gift store. and rocked in their rocking chairs outside
Sandra, I didn't grow up with this one but I'm catching up quick and yes, that song is now stuck in my noggin'.
Bill, I have a honest to goodness Johnny Western record somewhere. I should dig it out.
Travis, That ham is some of the best.
Charles, I haven't rocked in the chairs. I'm pacing myself.
They have Cracker Barrels in Canada too. The last time I was there, I made an unwise purchase. I very loud and obnoxious whistle for one of my boys!
"Brave courageous & true"
Or was that Bat Masterson.....
or Mickey Mouse?
Aloha, David
Barrie, I can see where most of the buying is geared towards kids.
Cloudia, You got me on that one but certainly holds true of all the above.
I will always think of Hugh O'Brien as Wyatt Earp.
Never heard of it but will look for it the next time I am at the Barrel.
They totally got you! :P And it's a good thing.
Travis wants ham...I'm feeling the need for some chicken pot pie.
Patti, Kurt Russell owns the role for me but I'm certainly enjoying O'Brian's assured performance.
Don, You won't be disappointed.
Sarah, It's almost lunch and chicken pot pie or ham would do.
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