Vagabond P.I. Jack Laramie stops in the remote town of Buele’s Corner for a bite to eat.
Before he finishes his bowl of chili, he gets caught up in a tornado of events
that starts with a panicked, young couple racing into the diner to use the
phone to call for help—a menacing motorcycle gang, The Deguelloes, is chasing
after them. When the couple discovers the phone is out of order, Jack steps in
to help them fend off the gang who’s accusing the couple of running some of
their fellow bikers off the road.
Wide Spot in the Road is the fourth novella in
The Drifter Detective series, following on the heels of
The Girls of Bunker Pines,
Hell Up in Houston, and the eponymous debut,
The Drifter Detective.
Wayne's thoughts on
Wide Spot in the Road here.
Looking very sharp. And I know the significance of those crossed horns beneath the skull . . .
We looked up quite a few old-fashion insignias for gangs like the one featured in Wide Spot in the Road. Amazing how simple (maybe not so amazing) simple they were drawn.
I agree, that's a nifty looking cover and the crossed horns, especially, are a nice touch ... I appreciate the early-on invitation to take a road trip with the Drifter Detective, David. But, I gotta tell you, after Garnett has done such a terrific job establishing the character and tone in the first three entries of the series, I think, if the same invitation were extended today, I'd be a little more reluctant to pinch-hit here in the middle innings ... Still, Jack Laramie's grandpop, ol' Cash, is a pretty good pal of mine so he'd probably want me to look in on his grandson if I got the chance. Hope readers are okay with my intrusion ...
Like the look. Will probably pick it up next week.
I understand your feelings and am pretty much feeling the same way as I occasionally work on my own JL adventure. Still, you did (as always) a superb job, amigo. Thank you.
I meant to send you one, Randy. And I see you already reviewed it at Amazon. Missed again, I. Sorry 'bout that, friend.
Great cover and blurb, David. A definite buy for me.
Let me chime in here re: Wayne's comment on pinch hitting. I liked Garnett's tale for its darker moodiness, but appreciated your shaking things up with Wayne's more straight-ahead action adventure. You guys are making it work! One day when you're rolling in dough you can offer Ace-style double paperbacks.
love the series and this looks like it will be another good one.
Thank you for the interest in The Drifter Detective series. Garnett has another two in the works and I'm slowly chipping away at mine.
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