“Blubber” -- A morbidly obese shut-in hires a cheeky “lady of the evening” college girl, leading to a deadly encounter.
“Clouds in a Bunker” – An old man holes up in a fallout shelter, preparing to end it all for himself and his long-gone dementia-ridden wife, but the police are there to foil his plan.
“Cold Gray Dawn” -- A rebuffed man plots revenge against his ex-wife and her new-born baby.
“The Education of a Pulp Writer” -- Neighbors in an apartment building don’t really know as much about each other as they think.
“Kid Eddie” -- While bringing a youthful criminal in for justice, US Marshal Cash Laramie begins to doubt the innocent-looking kid is guilty of any crime.
*This rebooted collection appeared in a slightly different form a couple of years back and is only, currently, available as an ebook.
Great cover! And it's good to see your name up on a cover.
Thanks, Scott.
Clouds in a Bunker and Kid Eddie are great stories. Nice looking presentation.
Appreciate that, amigo. Figured it was facelift time.
I got the original. I'll have to see if I still have my review. I'm sure I do.
Thanks, Charles.
Got it, David, and already reading it.
Prashant, And I certainly hope you enjoy the collection. If not, cyber beer or beverage of your choice is on me.
For the price, I can't go wrong.
Well... that's the way I'm hoping a few thousand more devout friends, followers, and cowboy angels will think, Oscar.
Like the new cover.
Yeah, though the old cover was fine, I think it was a little too blunt. If that's the right word. This one is more subtle but plays stronger and ties in nicely with one of the protagonists of "The Education of a Pulp Writer."
It's time for some more Kid Eddie stories!
You know, Alec. I was thinking about Eddie's return and also the lone story you wrote. Yeah. Wheels turning.
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