Monday, January 20, 2014

Raquel Welch’s Westerns Deserve a Second Look

Over at Criminal Element, reviewing as Edward A. Grainger, I take a look at Raquel Welch Westerns including BANDOLERO, 100 RIFLES, and HANNIE CAULDER. I'd love to have you click over there and scratch a comment if you don't mind.


Charles Gramlich said...

I tried six times and it wouldn't take my post. Not sure what was wrong. I'd said that I always thought she had some acting talent to go with her beauty, but that I'd only seen a couple of these movies.

Richard Prosch said...

I so need to see these. Meanwhile, I shared the link on Facebook's Western movies group and you gotcha a bunch o' likes and comments, hoss.

David Cranmer said...

Its a 50/50 issue there, Charles. I don't seem to have a problem leaving a comment but it is a slightly different system.

Thanks, Richard. My loss for not being on Facebook. Well, I am. Kinda sorta with BEAT to a PULP.

A Cuban In London said...

Good post left a comment. I love that first quote from the film. Classic.

Greetings from London.