Monday, August 22, 2011

New Review

A very touching review of ADVENTURES from Sabrina Ogden

And I hit #2 on the top rated chart. I thank everyone on Blogger, Twitter, and Google+ who made this happen.


Sabrina E. Ogden said...

Awesome news on the chart ranking... and I'm glad you enjoyed the review.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Pride of place on my kindle.

David Cranmer said...

Thanks again, Sabrina. That was pretty special.

Patti, I have some super friends and you head the list. Gracias.

Randy Johnson said...

Congrats. Number one waits to be conquered.

David Barber said...

Fantastic, buddy. Deserved feedback for a great ebook.

David Cranmer said...

Randy, Charles, and David. Thank you, all. Your support has made all the difference.