I worked in Cameroon from 2004-2005 and aside from learning so much about the culture in this part of Africa, I became good friends with Boh Cyprain. This is a pic of us goofing around on the highway to Kribi.
PFF is the creation of
Leah J. Utas.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
David --neat post. Check out Neil Peart and Kevin J. Anderson's chilling eBook short story "Drumbeats" set in Cameroon. Peart (drummer for RUSH) biked around that country in the '90s.
Very cool, David. That must have been an exciting, interesting time.
Time out with the locals. A great part of being in another part of the world. That photo says sooo much!
Cameroon -- the Indomitable Lions! They field one of Africa's best national teams. I'd love to go there.
I sure will, Rich. "Drumbeats" sounds very interesting. I've been wanting to write a tale myself set in Cameroon but haven't had the right inspiration yet.
One of the best times, Leah. I had a blast and was able to bring Little d over as well. Quite the adventure.
David, I enjoyed hanging with Cyprain at his local bar and hearing the locals talk politics and sports was great fun.
Chris, They are super proud (as they should be) of their football team. I saw those colors everywhere.
Great pic. A Cameroon story from you would be a must-read for me. Think about it.
Chudney, Thanks.
I will, Ron. Some ideas are batting around my noodle.
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