I need to read more for fun, not work. And I want to roam outside my usual western and crime arenas. So, I went into Kindle and found many classics are available for $0.00, and I would have gone hogwild, but I opted for just one, Henry Rider Haggard’s KING SOLOMON’S MINES. I’ve never read this 1885 novel but I’ve seen the Stewart Granger and the Richard Chamberlain films though neither left an indelible impression on me. After all, my generation was hooked on Indiana Jones.
Anyway, I downloaded the book and beginning tomorrow will read a chapter a day, savoring each page, until I reach the end and then I'll do a short post about it. I may comment on the book during the middle if something jumps out at me. This'll give me the incentive I need to bolster my classic book diet. Anyone care to join me?
A great one. I still remember several scenes vividly. I saw the Stewart Granger movie version as a kid before I ever read the novel and was highly impressed.
I'm looking forward to reading it, Bill. It still seems to be widely popular which is amazing after 126 years. And I may watch the Paul Robeson film version when I'm done.
I'm with you -- just downloaded a copy to my Nook. Haggard is one of those guys whose name always comes up as an influence on people who have really influenced me. I believe I've read a couple of his shorts, but never any of his novels. Seems this is a good place to start.
Glad you're on board, Chris. Yeah, I've been hearing about Haggard for years from folks who read adventure, fantasy, and sci-fi. His Wikipedia entry even says he influneced romance and historical genres. Quite imppressive. Now I'm curious in seeing what the excitement is all about.
Cripe, now you've got me interested, too. I may be joining you...I just read CALL OF THE WILD recently. It falls right in the period I've been reading, a year after THE VIRGINIAN. Having a historical context, it makes more sense than when you read it just as a work of timeless lit.
Ron, Matthew P. Mayo turned me on to the bio of London called WOLF that I wholeheartedly recommend. I also bought the majority of his collected works around the same time.
I think you should join in on KING SOLOMON’S MINES. A Chapter a day should be pretty easy.
Very good, Randy. I am going to start with chapter one today.
Roll on Fathers Day when I'll have my kindle. Most classics are available for free, I'v noticed. I have The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on my iphone as audio books. Both free and way better than listening to the radio at work!!
How do you know what you're getting for Father's Day? :)
Looking forward to your participation, David.
I'll be watching if not reading. That darn book club keeps picking 500 page books to read.
Heck with that, my husband and I will both do it.
Patti, Glad to have the both of you in.
Already on board. Read chapter one last night. I'm hooked.
I just read chapter one and had a hard time not reading farther but I want to stick to one chapter a day. I may do a post later this evening because several items popped up I'd like to discuss.
Oh, and I'm glad you joined the book group, Ron.
I'm in. It's been on my reading list for nearly three years. Thanks for the nudge!
Great, Rich. I'm looking forward to your take.
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