ROUND ONE was edited by David Cranmer and Elaine Ash. Foreword is by the venerable Bill Crider and cover art by legendary James O'Barr. Cullen Gallagher delivers the authoritative, A History of Pulp.
The mighty ensemble of writers:
Maker’s and Coke -- Jake Hinkson
A Free Man -- Charles Ardai
Fangataufa -- Sophie Littlefield
You Don’t Get Three Mistakes -- Scott D. Parker
Insatiable -- Hilary Davidson
Boots on the Ground -- Matthew Quinn Martin
Studio Dick -- Garnett Elliott
Killing Kate -- Ed Gorman
The Strange Death of Ambrose Bierce -- Paul S. Powers
Heliotrope -- James Reasoner
The Wind Scorpion -- Edward A. Grainger
Hard Bite -- Anonymous-9
Crap is King, a “Miles Jacoby” story -- Robert J. Randisi
The All-Weather Phantom -- Mike Sheeter
Pripet Marsh -- Stephen D. Rogers
Ghostscapes -- Patricia Abbott
Off Rock -- Kieran Shea
At Long Last -- Nolan Knight
A Native Problem -- Chris F. Holm
Spend It Now, Pay Later -- Nik Morton
Spot Marks the X -- I. J. Parnham
Hoosier Daddy -- Jedidiah Ayres
The Ghost Ship -- Evan Lewis
Anarchy Among Friends: A Love Story -- Andy Henion
Cannulation -- Glenn Gray
The Unreal Jesse James -- Chap O’Keefe
Acting Out -- Frank Bill
If you have already read R1, we could use (and very much appreciate) some reviews for the Kindle page. Thank you.
Great news. Maybe someday I'll get one of those doohickeys.
Fantastic! (And an aggressive price-point, to boot!) Hope it sells like hotcakes...
Evan, It is a must, senor.
Chris, Same here and I appreciate your post.
Charles, That it is.
I'll have to get a kindle just so I can hear the electronic voice read Anonymous-9's story!
Hadn't thought of that, AC. Bite, Jed's Daddy or Andy's Anarchy would be perfectly suited to the cold read.
Heck of a deal! My Kindle could stand to get a little use...in full daylight. :)
It was a great collection of stories, and I highly recommend it.
Couldn't happen to a better book. And Chet Baker was so cool...
I so admire you productive people...as I dream and blog and neglect to push my little novel...
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
Good news and a good deal. Hell, it's a great deal for such quality content. This should crack a few top lists at Amazon. Well done.
Alyssa, Ha. Well, if you do, I hope you enjoy.
Thanks, Travis.
Ron, Baker was a mess of a human but such a superb musician. I never get tired of his playing.
Cloudia, I believe you first came to my blog with the announcement of the start of the BTAP webzine. Many a year ago now. Btw did you enjoy "Melanie?"
Matt, It was at #7,412 a few minutes ago. Wouldn’t it be nice to crack the top 100!
Wait a minute. Does Kindle have an electronic voice. How to you activate it?
Patti, Once you're in your story just hit that double AA (second A is smaller than the first) on your keypad. Then hit Text-to-Speech. It will begin reading to you. Make sure volume is turned up.
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