Aries (March 21-April 19). The wise Greek dramatist Aeschylus noted that in war, truth is the first casualty. Today, you won't exactly be doing battle, but you will have an opponent, and you should listen carefully to decipher truth from fiction.I don't often pay attention to horoscopes but this entry in yesterday's Bangor Daily News written by Holiday Mathis caught my attention. Bad-ass wouldn't you say?
It's a horoscope I can respect.
I'm with you on horoscopes, David. Every now and again you get one that hits the spot.
Enjoy your weekend, my friend!
What's best in life? To crush your enemies...
Leah, A little depth for a change. Most of the time horoscopes are so silly vague.
David, Right back at you, amigo. Have a top weekend.
Charles, With extreme prejudice? A little Apocalypse Now.
I usually read my horoscope out loud to my co-workers, if only to give them a hearty chuckle.
Well, if you had me as a co-worker for the past five years, you would have a perpetual grin on your face every time I opened my mouth...or at the very least, say, "So very true."
Back in the seventies, I paid some attention to it but somehow I lost my beliefs. And now that they are screwing around with it, I have even less faith.
G, I can imagine it would be "interesting" working with you. (An inside joke for everybody else.)
Patti, I've never been one to put my faith in such things. Still, fun to read occasionally.
Is it April 15 already?
Funny, my supervisor often uses that same word to describe me from time to time.:D
AC, Getting there. That reminds me...
G, Hm.. Interesante!
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