Chuck Tyrell, aka Charlie Whipple, is one of our foremost storytellers who pulls you in with his persuasive narrative style, transfixing readers to that last line. This week's BTAP story, “Line Rider,” is a prime example. The tale starts out deceivingly simple about a lonely cowboy named Howey Simpson working for the Hashknife Outfit where he earns twenty-five bucks a month. Into this world enters Doli, Navajo goddess, who knocks on his door. To say more would ruin it. Beautiful storytelling here, folks, and when you’re done, take a spin through the "BTAP Recommends" wheel for Charlie’s latest title, THE SNAKE DEN. I’ve read this riveting novel which concerns Arizona's youngest prisoner, a boy of 14, sent to Yuma Territorial Prison on a trumped-up charge.
But first, here's "
Line Rider" at BEAT to a PULP. Enjoy.