From Steve Weddle:

The first time I met Brad Parks was at a pizza place near the airport. But that's not important. The thing you want to know about Parks is that his debut, FACES OF THE GONE, is the only book ever to win both the Nero Award (Best American Mystery) and the Shamus Award (Best First Mystery). As a journalist, Parks served time at The Washington Post and The (Newark, N.J.) Star-Ledger, before taking a buy-out and devoting himself full-time to writing. His fiction pulls from his hands-on experience dealing day-to-day with criminals, politicians, and athletes, sometimes in the same character. His protagonist, Carter Ross, is the sort of quick-witted reporter you'd expect Parks to write. His new book, EYES OF THE INNOCENT, comes out February 2011.
But first, here is Mr. Parks at BEAT to a PULP with "