Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Another Top Review for Melanie

Ray Foster had this to say about my latest:

But the highlight for me had to be Edward A. Grainger's short story 'Melanie'. This was a tight taut story about child abuse and featured Cash Laramie (who made his debut in the Express Westerns anthology 'A Fistful Of Legends'). It is a story that could be told today and underlines just how much nothing has changed over the centuries. I very much hope that this story will appear in the proposed Cash Laramie anthology.

Mr. Foster writes westerns under the name of Jack Giles that are published by Robert Hale's Black Horse Western brand.

Thanks, Ray.


pattinase (abbott) said...

Jeez, David. Didn't think men could write stories like that even before they had a child.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

The story has been a massive success, being the most visited article of the entire Wild West eMonday show. Thank you David.

David Cranmer said...

Patti, I'm very amazed myself. Sometimes they just write themselves.

Gary, I think "Melanie" is turning out to be my most successful Cash Laramie tale to date. I’m very grateful you asked me to contribute to WWeM.