Wednesday, November 10, 2010


In case you were wondering Vienna is scenic as hell and quite cold. Another day, another airport terminal. Won't be staying long>>>>>>>


Paul D Brazill said...

'It means nothing to meeee...' I almost moved to Bratislava because to get there I would have to fly to Vienna and take 'a night train across the Danube'! How spy film is that?!

Cullen Gallagher said...

I've never been to Vienna.

David, I'd be curious to know your tally of how many countries you've been to! I can only imagine the list is quite long.

Sarah Laurence said...

So that's where you are. I hope you post some pictures. I haven't been to Vienna since I was a child but it was stunning. Enjoy!

David Cranmer said...

Let's do it, Paul. When I return.

Cullen, No clue. Seriously, I would have to sit down and really think about it.

Sarah, No pics. Just passing through I'm afraid. What little I saw was incredible.

Reb said...

Vienna in the late '70's was wonderful (oops, I think I dated myself)! But smelled of diesel, everywhere!

David Cranmer said...

Reb, A place I would like to bring my charmer (and little charmer) back to.