The courier pigeon landed on the sill with the straight to the point message: 'Mr. Cranmer. We need you.' I looked around. Not even a Mrs. Peel waiting in a Lotus Elan. Just time to leave, son. So, I have scheduled some BTAP-related posts but it may be a week or two before I'm back in the swing of commenting faithfully again.
Must be the season. Happy trails, partner.
Be well. Everything will still be here when you get back.
Those who are called must go. Safe journey.
We'll try not to make a mess while you are gone. Safe journey.
Damn, I hate these times. You're like my third kid.
We'll keep the pot warm.
You will be missed, David.
Wow, such a mysterious message. You must be out saving the world for democracy. If you bump into my father, who's a good company man, say hello for me.
We'll keep the place warm.
Agent Cranmer, it seems you have accepted your mission.
Take care, mate. We'll be here waiting.
Ve vill allow eet.
Thanks everyone for the kind words and e-mail. So far, so good.
Take care and talk soon! Hope the tunes come in handy.
Enjoying the music immensely.
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