"Would you two mind sharing a table?" It was the hostess at my elbow. She was speaking to the older man in front of me too. "I can give you a table if you share it," she explained, gesturing with the menus.
I turned to the man. "Do you mind?" There was no chance Tibor'd come in here. I felt giddy: faint almost.
The man smiled, nodded.
Our table looked out on Central Park where people were raising umbrellas in the increasingly foul weather. Despite the eye-catching view, both of us turned to our hard-won menus. "Been here before?" he asked, putting his menu down. "At Café Sabarsky?"
That seems an innocent enough meeting, right? Well, don't be fooled because this is Patricia Abbott who yanked the chair out from beneath you in "The Instrument of Their Desire" and introduced you to "Esther Meaney." So sit down, enjoy the meal but keep your eyes peeled "At the Café Sabarsky."
Next week: "The Mercy of Jean Lafitte" by Evan Lewis.
Soon: Chris F. Holm launches our time travel pulp epic--A RIP THROUGH TIME--with "The Dame, the Doctor, and the Device."