There's a Charlie Brown tree growing on site where I'm working. Someone came up with the idea to decorate it for Christmas, so a bunch of us got together, hung ornaments and placed boxes wrapped up as presents underneath. But without a doubt, la pièce de résistance is from a welder who used 2 ought wire to construct an angel for the tree top.
Merry Christmas everyone.
That's very cool, actually.
I thought so considering pretty much everything was constructed from items laying around like the wire.
Merry X-Mas Dave. Tell little d the same.
Looks interesting. I wish I had some kind of talent like that.
Merry Christmas right back at you.
I had an ex whose brother was a decent welder. He had a sideline in making metal artworks and decorative pieces and he also wrote poetry. You would never have suspected his artistic side to look at him.
Marry Christmas, David. I think about you out there every day.
Such a great idea. What I wouldn't give for an ounce of that creativity and talent! Merry Christmas to you and all the gang over there :)
What a wonderful idea and that Angel is very pretty.
Merry Christmas to all.
Anton, This welder where I'm working has that same artistic side. Who knew?!
Btw thanks for stopping by my site.
Laurie, Don, Charles, Diane,Patti, and Reb I hope you all have the best of holidays.
And dMix: Te amo.
It always amazes how people can create something so beautiful from almost nothing. Merry Christmas, David!
An interesting and unique Christmas tree, David. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
That's wonderful. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Happy Holidays young man.
Merry Christmas! And thanks for all the enjoyment Beat to a Pulp has provided this year.
That is adorable and very, very cool. Thanks for posting a picture!
Sandra, It certainly is. This welder also made a small metal frog which is equally deserving of praise.
Barbara, Leah, RReynolds: A big Merry Christmas!
Terrie, Thanks for the kind words regarding BTAP. And Women Of Mystery (daily read) and all its individual projects are tops in my world.
Devon, I will let the guy that made it know about these comments. And Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by.
Sometimes just the eye is the artist, e.g. the college janitor who found in an ash pile a clinker that looked to him like a cat. On a whim, he cleaned it up and entered it in an art competition at the school. His "Peterfid Cat" (sic) took first place in the sculpture category.
Merry Christmas, David, to you and your loved ones. May we get to know each other in the coming year.
Merry Christmas, Dave, to you, Elaine, and your Missus!
Clark, I'm sure we will and best of holidays to you and yours.
Cormac, All three of us say Merry Christmas right back at you!
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