February is looking pretty darn good at BEAT to a PULP. First up is Derringer Award winning author, Stephen D. Rogers with “
Pajama Party.” Don’t be fooled, this ain’t no Annette Funicello sleepover but a slice of hardboiled with a dash of humor as Rogers continues to leave his stamp on the crime genre. His recent stories can be found in
Thrilling Detective and on
his website.
Next Week: "Caveat Venditor, Caveat Emptor" by Thuglit's
Todd RobinsonComing Soon:
Chap O'Keefe's "The Unreal Jesse James"
Off to read.
Rogers has a very funny story.
Don, He sure does and there's plenty more where that comes from. His bio states he has over five hundred poems and short stories published. Five hundred! That's incredible.
awesome, off to take a look
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