Friday, September 12, 2008

Oops, we're doing it again!

For the second time in two weeks, Denise and I are on the run from another hurricane. For a couple of New Yorkers, this is definitely an adventure. This time instead of running to Texas as we did for Gustav, we are in Mississippi to wait out Ike. We stopped in a little town called Kentwood, Louisiana for gas and, knowing Britney Spears is from the area, we drove around a bit. Sure enough, we found this welcome sign...


mybillcrider said...

Hurricane season is no fun on the Gulf Coast, but at least you got a Britney sighting. Sort of.

David Cranmer said...

I'm learning about hurricane season all at once the hard way. Hope you and your family stay safe and sound.

Charles Gramlich said...

Ike didn't do much up our way. Hope you guys are able to get back home soon, and not have any damage.

Travis Erwin said...

Given her recent troubles I'm surprised the sign is covered in black plastic.

David Cranmer said...

Charles, we have really enjoyed spending time in your state, made some great friends and had some great cuisine, but we surely won't miss the hurricane season. Hope you guys are getting back on track after Gustav.

Travis, Ha! You are right about that.