Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Day: Alfred S. Cranmer

Thinking, on this Veteran's Day, of all those who have served our country like my great-great grandfather Alfred S. Cranmer (1838-1919). He served in the Civil War, was wounded in Antietam, MD, and later re-enlisted in the N.Y. Volunteer Cavalry.


  1. David - Great post. Thanks for sharing the photo and history.

  2. Nice pic after all these years. Thanks for elling us about your gr-gr-grandfather.

  3. Thank you for stopping by, Elgin.

    I always like returning to the past, Oscar.

  4. Mr. Cranmer was wounded at Antietam, by all accounts one of the most hellish battles of a war with no shortage of them. Then he went on to re-enlist.
    That is a picture of a brave man.

  5. Yes, he was Peter. Thank you for saying and I'm very proud to be descended from him.
