Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Robin Hood

I really enjoyed the hell out of this movie. I thought a fresh approach had been brought to a tired legend and the acting and directing were all top notch.

Your thoughts?

Robin Hood trailer | The New York Times: That Robin Guy and Sir Ridley | Roger Ebert's take | Guardian review.


  1. I went to see this at the drive-in and my battery died halfway into the movie. I spent that night trying to jump my car and then having it towed because the battery was completely dead. When I get the chance to see the whole movie I'll let you know!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad to hear you liked it. I wanted to go see it in the theatre, but something always seemed to come up. Keep meaning to pick it up on DVD and watch it.

    I like Russell Crowe and have a thing for Cate Blanchett.

  4. The reviews were unkind to it so I didn't bother. Maybe I was wrong to listen.

  5. I'm still laughing about the dead battery at the drive-in. Funniest story I've heard in a long time.

  6. Saw this movie not too long ago and felt it was just pretty good. I liked the story but thought it was a bit exaggerated in spots along with some of the acting. King/Prince John's and the Sheriff's performances come to mind. But, I do agree that it is a refreshing take on the story.

  7. I was thinking I might not like it, but your comments have turned my attention back to seeing it.

  8. I skipped this film after reading a poor review but maybe we'll order it on Netflix. The character of Robin Hood is appealing. I was obsessed with the Disney cartoon of it as a kid.

  9. Alec, Ha. You will probably wanna skip it because of the memories.

    Chad, I'm a big fan of Cate Blanchett myself. Others include Laura Linney and Penelope Cruz. But for acting, Cate rules.

    Leah, It is not the fun Hood movie they were expecting.

    Ron, Amazing stories you hear in BloggerLand, huh?

    Jay, I would like to see a second one and a little more fun and arrow play.

    Charles, I hope you like it.

    Sarah, I was a big, big fan of the Disney and Errol Flynn versions as a kid. I will show my daughter when the time comes.

  10. I think I need to watch it! I'm putting a couple of movies on my iPod to watch (piecemeal) while on the elliptical. This looks like a good one to add.

  11. I haven't seen it yet, but I've been wondering if I'd like it. How violent is it? I can't really get into a movie if it gets to be over the top. Kick-ass was OVER THE TOP!

  12. Alyssa, On par with GLADIATOR so I'm thinking you will pass. (I would try FIGHT CLUB instead:)
